# Models

These are the models that can be returned by API calls. They are presented in example format and will be referenced by name ex: <model:link>. All fields will be indicated, but those not defined will not be returned or returned as the default for that type.

General information of the field will be indicated if of significant value.

  • The Date Format is not strictly ISO1806, the T is replaced with a space, no time zone indication as this it is always UTC and the milliseconds are included. Example: 2021-05-19 19:33:03.324
  • The client_id can be acquired by inspecting the JWT claims of the user or doing the Find User api call of that user. Reserved for future use
  • The user_id can be converted to the username field by adding the prefix of #usr# some API calls recquire the username and others the user_id.
  • When referring to the value null it means the JSON value null, not string value.

A record that contains the short URL, long URL and other related data.

    "link_id": "#lnk#/test-ping",
    "name": "WarpURL Test Ping",
    "short_url": "/test-ping",
    "long_url": "https://warpurl.com/?utm_campaign\u003dtest-ping",
    "enabled": true,
    "hidden": false,
    "client_id": "#clt#6be8d279-591a-4210-922e-d6caa605b063",
    "user_id": "#usr#SuperAdmin1",
    "campaign_id": "#cmp#2021-05-19 18:31:29.271#66d5199a-a60d-450b-9655-44032bf7f192",
    "campaign_name": "Newsletter 05-2021",
    "campaign_channel": "Email",
    "clicks": 44685,
    "clicks_day": 7560,
    "clicks_month": 44685,
    "clicks_unique": 1,
    "created_at": "2021-05-19 19:33:03.324"
  • short_url Only the slug, must NOT be prepended by the shortening domain. Must start with "/". Can not contain ? or #. Max length 255 characters.
  • name Max length 100 characters.
  • long_url Must start with "http://" or "https://". Max length 1024 charters.
  • enable Reserved for future use.
  • hidden Hidden links do not show on the Subscription Portal
  • client_id This value can be acquired by inspecting the JWT claims of the user or doing the Find User api call. Reserved for future use.
  • clicks Total clicks for the lifespan of the link.
  • clicks_unique Total unique clicks for the lifespan of the link. Uniqueness counted by the querystring attached to the short url when navigated by user.
  • clicks_day Total clicks this link did in the current day, timezone UTC.
  • clicks_month Total clicks this link did in the current month, timezone UTC.

Hourly views aggregated by day, all dates and times are in UTC.

    "for": "hourly",
    "link_id": "#lnk#/anything",
    "client_id": "#clt#6be8d279-591a-4210-922e-d6caa605b063",
    "user_id": "#usr#SuperAdmin1",
    "period": "2021-05-19",
    "views": {
      19: 2578,
      20: 33159,
      21: 8648,
      22: 8640
    "last_updated_at": "2021-05-19 19:33:03.324"
  • for Will always be hourly
  • period The period specifies the day the hourly clicks (in the views object) are for, format YYYY-MM-DD (UTC).
  • views An object with the key being the hour and the value the count for that hour. Keys/hours range from 0 to 23 (UTC).
  • last_updated_at Last time the link was clicked/record object was updated.

Daily views aggregated by month, all dates and times are in UTC.

    "for": "daily",
    "link_id": "#lnk#/anything",
    "client_id": "#clt#6be8d279-591a-4210-922e-d6caa605b063",
    "user_id": "#usr#SuperAdmin1",
    "period": "2021-05",
    "views": {
      19: 2578,
      20: 33159,
      21: 8648,
      22: 8640
    "os": {
      "Windows": 2
    "browser": {
      "Firefox": 2
    "country": {
          "ORD": 873,
          "BRU": 35,
          "CDG": 9,
          "BLR": 180,
          "TXL": 5,
          "GRU": 5332,
    "referer": {
      "reddit.com": 1
      "facebook.com": 10
    "bots": 64303,
    "last_updated_at": "2021-05-19 19:33:03.324"
  • for Will always be daily
  • period The period specifies the day the hourly clicks (in the views object) are for, format YYYY-MM-DD (UTC).
  • views An object with the key being the day and the value is the count for that day of the month.
  • os An object with the key being the operating system and the value is the count for that month.
  • browser An object with the key being the browser and the value is the count for that month.
  • country An object with the key being the IATA Code (opens new window) (airport codes indicating country & city), and the value is the count for that month.
  • referer An object with the key being the site that referered, and the value is the count for that month.
  • bots The amount of bots that followed the link for that month.
  • last_updated_at Last time the link was clicked/record object was updated.

# Campaign

# <model:campaign>

A Campaign is just a grouping of links whereby a link can only have one campaign.

    "campaign_id": "#cmp#2021-05-16 10:05:56.958#db6f265f-ac89-4004-8c69-bb7f9e8203ed",
    "client_id": "#clt#6be8d279-591a-4210-922e-d6caa605b063",
    "user_id": "#usr#SuperAdmin1",
    "name": "News letter 2021-05",
    "description": "May 2020 news letter",
    "channels": ["Sms", "Email"],
    "created_at": "2021-05-19 19:33:03.324"
  • client_id, username, name Required.
  • name Maximum length of 50 characters.
  • description Maximum length of 1024 characters.
  • channels Optional, array of strings. Not validated against Account set visible Campaign Channels. Maximum 100 channels, with each having a maximum length of 25 characters.

# Import

# <model:db_import>

Data can be imported in bulk using CSV files. An Import (DB Import) record indicates the status of the import job.

There can only be one import active (in progress) at any point in time, if more are created, then they will be queued.

Soft limits:

  • The LINKS import_type is restricted to 10k rows per CSV.
    "import_id": "#imp#87b3ba4e-a58d-4b27-b292-5867df9c24d6",
    "import_type": "LINKS",
    "import_format": "LINKS_1",
    "import_status": "SUCCESSFUL",
    "import_status_description": "Imported 100%",
    "line_validation_ignore_error": true,
    "file_name": "links-auto-slug-10k.csv",
    "file_sie": "618965",
    "client_id": "#clt#952be1ae-ca1f-401f-a9a2-6ab2b2116e57",
    "user_id": "#usr#SuperAdmin1",
    "processed_at": "2021-05-16 21:08:47.275",
    "created_at": "2021-05-16 20:59:47.626",
    "notes": "10k links auto slug",
    "total_rows": 10000,
    "total_error": 0,
    "total_ignored": 0,
    "total_success": 10000
  • import_type The type of record to import. Available values are:
    • LINKS
  • import_format The format of the data, this is dependent on the import_type. Available values grouped by import type:
  • import_status The current status of the job, available values are:
    • QUEUED Initial status after creating the record. This status will be retained untill processing actually starts, where it will transition to PROCESSING.
    • PROCESSING Busy processing and importing the file.
    • SUCCESSFUL Processing complete. Not an indication that all records were imported successfully.
    • ERROR_VALIDATION Validation Error occurred that prematurely stopped the import process. Not an indication that all records were imported successfully.
  • import_status_description Text description of import status and percentage.
  • line_validation_ignore_error Reserved for future use.
  • file_name The name of the file that was used.
  • file_size The size of the file in bytes.
  • notes Optional, Any additional notes for this import. Maximum length 1024 characters.
  • total_rows Count of rows detected.
  • total_error Count of rows that could not be imported. Errors can be viewed by downloading the processed file. Each row's error will be appended (last) as a new column on that row.
  • total_ignored Count of rows that were ignored. Reserved for future use.
  • total_success Count of rows that were imported successfully.

# Access Key

# <model:access_key>

Access Keys are exchanged for a short-lived JWT ID Token used for authorization when making API calls.

    "key_id": "2IEx7239xMzmhCdJ2nbWX",
    "client_id": "#clt#6be8d279-591a-4210-922e-d6caa605b063",
    "user_id": "#usr#SuperAdmin1",
    "key_name": "Test Key",
    "enabled": true,
    "created_at": "2021-05-19 19:33:03.324"
  • All fields are Required.
  • key_name Maximum length of 100 characters.
  • enabled Only supported values are true and false.

# Client

# <model:client>

The main/top container, every model can only belong to a single client.

    "client_id": "#clt#6be8d279-591a-4210-922e-d6caa605b063",
    "name": "AccountName",
    "link_tags": [
    "campaign_channels": [
    "clicks": 21072,
    "clicks_day": 0,
    "clicks_month": 21002,
    "clicks_month_unique": 16,
    "created_at": "2021-04-08 19:59:38.509",
    "updated_at": "2021-05-16 19:41:39.021",
    "links": 11012
  • name Maximum length of 50 characters.
  • link_tags An array of values that are used for displaying the available Tag options on the frontend. Tags are used to group similar links.
  • campaign_channels An array of values that are used for displaying the available Campaign Channel options on the frontend. Campaign Channels are used to categorize links with similarities within a campaign.
  • clicks Total clicks for the lifespan of the client.
  • clicks_day Total clicks this client did in the current day, timezone UTC.
  • clicks_month Total clicks this client did in the current month, timezone UTC.
  • clicks_month_unique Total unique clicks this client did in the current month, timezone UTC. Uniqueness counted same as for the Link Model.
  • links The amount of links this client has.

# User

# <model:user>

The secondary container, every model (except client) can only belong to a single user.

    "client_id": "#clt#6be8d279-591a-4210-922e-d6caa605b063",
    "username": "SuperAdmin1",
    "name": "Rehan",
    "email": "rehan@warpurl.com",
    "user_type": "root",
    "clicks": 21071,
    "clicks_day": 0,
    "clicks_month": 21001,
    "created_at": "2021-04-08 19:59:38.509",
    "updated_at": "2021-04-08 19:59:38.509",
    "enabled": true,
    "share_can_assume": []
  • name Maximum length of 50 characters.
  • user_type Can be one of the following values:
    • root The Super Admin user that has all rights. They can assume any admin and user.
    • admin Has all rights except creating other admins and updating client information. They can also assume any user but not admins.
    • user Can only see their own links, campaigns, ect.
  • link_tags An array of values that are used for displaying the available Tag options on the frontend. Tags are used to group similar links.
  • campaign_channels An array of values that are used for displaying the available Campaign Channel options on the frontend. Campaign Channels are used to categorize links with similarities within a campaign.
  • clicks Total clicks for the lifespan of the client.
  • clicks_day Total clicks this client did in the current day, timezone UTC.
  • clicks_month Total clicks this client did in the current month, timezone UTC.
  • enabled Only supported values are true and false.
  • share_can_assume The users that this user can assume. Reserved fo future use, subject to change