# Access Keys

Access Keys are exchanged for a short-lived JWT ID Token used for authorization when making API calls.

Consult the <model:access_key> for general property/field information.

The Get and Refresh Token API calls do not require authorization.


# Create

Create an Access Key.


# Path


# Authorization Required

root, admin, user

# Headers

"x-api-key": <API KEY>,
"Authorization": <JWT ID Token>

# Body

    "control": { },
    "data": {
      "client_id": "#clt#6be8d279-591a-4210-922e-d6caa605b063",
      "username": "SuperAdmin1",
      "key_name": "Test Key"
  • client_id, username, key_name Required.


# Success

  "control": { "ResponseCode": 2000, "TraceID": "11648023-1376-4da8-806e-11999c1c519f", "Build": "eb511f1" },
  "data": {
    "key_password": "<unique access key password>"

Returns all the properties/fields of model:access_key and then an extra property key_password.

  • key_password Will only be returned once after creating the key.

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# Update

Updates, replaces properties of an Access Key.

All the same fields and logic applied to the creation of the campaign applies for the update.

  • key_name If omitted or empty string then left unchanged.
  • enabled Can only be true or false.


# Path


# Authorization Required

root, admin, user

# Headers

"x-api-key": <API KEY>,
"Authorization": <JWT ID Token>

# Body

    "control": { },
    "data": {
      "key_id": "2IEx7239xMzmhCdJ2nbWX",
      "key_name": "Test Key",
      "enabled": false


# Success

  "control": { "ResponseCode": 2000, "TraceID": "11648023-1376-4da8-806e-11999c1c519f", "Build": "eb511f1" },
  "data": <model:access_key>

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# Find

Find all user Access Keys.


# Path


# Authorization Required

root, admin, user

# Headers

"x-api-key": <API KEY>,
"Authorization": <JWT ID Token>

# Body

    "control": { },
    "data": {
      "key_id": "2IEx7239xMzmhCdJ2nbWX"


# Success

  "control": { "ResponseCode": 2000, "TraceID": "11648023-1376-4da8-806e-11999c1c519f", "Build": "eb511f1" },
  "data": <model:access_key>

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# Delete

Delete an Access Key.


# Path


# Authorization Required

root, admin, user

# Headers

"x-api-key": <API KEY>,
"Authorization": <JWT ID Token>

# Body

    "control": { },
    "data": {
      "key_id": "2IEx7239xMzmhCdJ2nbWX"


# Success

  "control": { "ResponseCode": 2000, "TraceID": "11648023-1376-4da8-806e-11999c1c519f", "Build": "eb511f1" },
  "data": {
    "key_id": "2IEx7239xMzmhCdJ2nbWX"

Returns body as was sent on success.

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# Get Token

Returns a JWT Token for the given Access Key.


# Path


# Authorization Required


# Headers


# Body

    "control": { },
    "data": {
      "key_id": "2IEx7239xMzmhCdJ2nbWX",
      "key_password": "XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX",


# Success

  "control": { "ResponseCode": 2000, "TraceID": "11648023-1376-4da8-806e-11999c1c519f", "Build": "eb511f1" },
  "data": {
    "idToken": "",
    "refreshToken": ""
  • idToken Use in the Authorization header to make authorized API requests.
  • refreshToken Should be used to get a new idToken after it expires using the Refresh Token API cal below.

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# Refresh Token

Returns a new JWT ID Token for a given Refresh Token.


# Path


# Authorization Required


# Headers


# Body

    "control": { },
    "data": {
      "key_id": "2IEx7239xMzmhCdJ2nbWX",
      "key_password": "XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX"


# Success

  "control": { "ResponseCode": 2000, "TraceID": "11648023-1376-4da8-806e-11999c1c519f", "Build": "eb511f1" },
  "data": {
    "idToken": ""
  • idToken Use in the Authorization header to make authorized API requests.

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